Last week I was honored to represent a teacher of mine at a really interesting event that's gotten my thoughts churning and creativity flowing. Twice a year, ABC Carpet and Home does a Beauty, Wellness, and Wisdom event that "celebrate[s] holistic beauty, health, wellbeing, wisdom, and wonder — always relevant topics, but particularly apropos in the context of the season of renewal." I offered a writing workshop centered on the concept of felt sense. Felt sense, rooted in the work of psychotherapist Eugene Gendlin, is complex and fascinating way of accessing the deeper parts of creativity. My professor and mentor, Sondra Perl, developed a series of writing guidelines out of Gendlin's work, and I'm currently adapting it for a creativity and movement context.
The most powerful moment of the afternoon came right at the end. I had also been asked, in my capacity as a yoga teacher, to lead a yogic meditation to close out the day. I knew the space would be filled with chairs, so I had a series of open standing poses planned, and some dharma talk at the ready. Just as I was taking the stage, a small boy appeared at my elbow, and the producer said, "This is F. Is it okay if he comes with you? He'd like to demonstrate the poses." The only possible answer was yes - I love kids, and I was excited to see how his energy would affect the energy in the room. I wasn't prepared for how much.
F stood next to me and carefully mimicked my movements, holding his mic just as I held mine. We moved the group through a gentle series of asana, from half moon to forward fold and back up again to take it to the other side. Dharma talking is one of my favorite parts of teaching yoga, and I started mine with the intention to close out the session on the notes the whole day had been tapping: beauty, wisdom, wellness, wholeness, love, integrity.
Then F looked up at me and asked, "Can I say something?" He asked everyone to hold out their arms like wings, and led them through one of the more powerful guided meditations I've had the pleasure to hear. It was affecting and beautiful, and I am very proud of myself for not sobbing in front of everyone.
Thank you, F.