Friday, April 19, 2013

Thoughts on the Brahma Viharas: Mudita

Halfway done. Now, the third of the Four Brahma Viharas:

1. Metta: loving kindness
2. Karuna: compassion
3. Mudita: sympathetic joy
4. Upekkha: equanimity

I've gotten better at sympathetic joy over the years. Buddhanet defines it thusly: "Mudita means sympathetic joy or rejoicing at others' happiness and prosperity. It is the opposite of jealousy or envy, and therefore it is suitable for one wishing to overcome it. The object and near cause of sympathetic joy is the prospering or happy being. So one who wishes to develop mudita should select such a person who is doing well spiritually and materially. Preference will of course be given to spiritual happiness as it is a more true and lasting type."

I'm pretty prone to jealousy and envy in a knee-jerk kind of way. As I've gotten older, I've worked harder and harder on making it just a knee-jerk reaction, and making congratulations just as automatic. I still get envious of people when they have something I want, but automating congratulations makes it easier to be happy for them immediately, and then when I reflect on it, I find an even more genuine kind of happiness for them.

I also think that part of being able to practice mudita is keeping joy about your own circumstances and achievements close to the surface. What better way to combat envy of what another has than to stare straight at your own pride in what you have? It' a rationalized way of getting to mudita, maybe, but it's a start.

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