Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hello, Internet.

Perfection is the enemy of the good, or so they say. Perfection is the reason I've been meaning to start this blog for longer than I care to admit, and doing little more than meaning. I've been hoarding ideas for posts, and agonizing over a name, rather than actually posting. No more. Here I am!

Hi. I'm Axldemic, and I'm starting a blog. It's nice to meet you, 2006.

As you might have surmised from the name, I'm a lover of rock music (particularly the early to mid-nineties variety) and all things academic (I have a master's in lit and want to get my PhD). My main impetus for starting the blog is to work through ideas pertaining to literary and cultural criticism.

I'll also share thoughts and questions on higher ed administration, data, and other cool topics. I love Brooklyn and yoga, and I have trouble shutting up about them in person, so I'll likely run my yap on those topics, too. Feel free to (nicely, intelligently) run your yap back at me!

That's it for now.